четверг, 1 ноября 2012 г.

Email extractor from websites.

Just found out information about email extractor application. It extracts email addresses from websites, blogs and forums. Email extractor can grab email addresses on blogs, forums, Facebook, Youtube or in any other place where leads appear.

Do you know how to take out their contact information such as emails from websites like blogs and forums ? You can search them manually by using any search engine or let this work do to email extractor. Sometimes you don't know websites you need to extract emails from but you might have relevant and domain specific keywords describing your potential customers. What you need to do is to enter relevant keywords in the in application and press start button inside email extractor. One of the best ways to sell your products is to extract emails from websites and send advertisement to people directly by email address, phone.

Sometimes you don't need to scan the whole site for emails . Just enter pages urls and email extractor will do the work for you. Do you know where your potential customers are on internet ? I believe they are surf on websites like social networks, forums, blogs. Email extractor can also take out emails from mail boxes, files , and so on.

Email extractor tool comes into play if you have to contact customers and let them know about your new service or product. Imagine the situation: you have a great product/service you create and nobody knows about it. How to reach your audience/customers? The more you advertise the better sales. Extract emails from websites. Enter site/blog/forum name you want to scan and extract email addresses.

All of them have emails. Without doubts people leave contact information on sites open. You can find all emails from documents, text, files. Sometimes you don't know where your customers sits but you might have some keywords which describe your business. Use them in email extractor and it will find all of them in search engine like google.

вторник, 5 июня 2012 г.

Optimizing blog titles for search engines

Based on the materials of the blog:. Blogger Widgets.

This trick will help to attract additional traffic to your blog. Search engines work in such a way that first appear in the search results page in the title of which is specified keywords and then a page where the keywords occur in the text. Blogger generates the headers of posts in the format. blog Title. ru. post title. It is seen that each post title will begin with the name of the blog. Much better would be if the post title will be in the form. post title. ru. blog Title. To do this, edit the HTML-code blog.

Find the HTML-code the following line:.

and replace it with the following code:.


save the template.

Now take a little time to search engines to re- indexed your blog with new titles.

воскресенье, 3 июня 2012 г.

The rapid maturation

The daughter asked her to teach the boys to get acquainted with the Internet. All is good, but it 's just another nine years, and there is no. We'll have to break your head how to do so with the boys on the Internet has taught her so, I learn, and not a girlfriend. Maybe some sites have to communicate this malyshni? . A?.

I am personally embarrassed by the fact that on the other side might not be a boy of ten, and most adults, even uncles. And the rest I see no problems.

пятница, 1 июня 2012 г.

Winter-hardy grape varieties: general characteristics

зимостойкие сорта винограда

It is no discovery will be that in the minds of most lovers of gardening. grapes. primarily perceived southern thermophilic plant. However, it should be noted that in recent years more and more growers are beginning to get involved. the cultivation of grapes. in the climatic belts as the Urals, the Baltic states, and even Siberia. This phenomenon is made possible by the emergence of new special. frost-resistant grape varieties. That can withstand even relatively severe freezing temperatures.

морозостойкие сорта винограда

So what. grape. considered winter-hardy. and such that can safely withstand the freezing weather? . What makes the. winter-hardy grape. : The possibility of winter without shelter or the ability to remain in a fairly severe frosts.

One common feature for all. frost-resistant grape varieties. that it is derived based on the unique characteristics of the Amur grape. this. grape. able to successfully survive the winter in sub-zero temperatures to 45 degrees. Another common feature. winter-hardy grape varieties. - Is an early ripening period, because grapes must have time to mature before the arrival of cooler weather of autumn.

The most popular. hardy varieties of grapes. in our country are Aleshenkin, Beauty of the North ( Olga), Don Agate details of which will be discussed in future articles.

P. S. Are you a fan turn gray near the TV and watch your favorite TV show or movie, then offer you an excellent TV service with a huge selection of television channels:.
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We also offer you not think if you want to create your own website, if so what information. web design prices. will be of interest to you.

вторник, 29 мая 2012 г.

April turns hot

  • April 1 will be. Figures Online Forum. I'll be doing a report on the mistakes of entrepreneurs at the presentation to investors. There is, I will be meeting with an investor who can invest 10 Ukrainian Internet startups. After the meeting, I will publish details.

  • April 7 -. training. at Microsoft.

  • April 14 presentation in the CPI of the competition ' breakthrough innovation ' I got to the organizing committee, like monolingual children, despite the fact that under the roof of KSCA. Details of the recently publish. Promises to be interesting.

  • 22th is my report about the. legal aspects of the Internet startups Ukraine.

  • April 23 investment session on the Internet Ukraine. Three panel presentation of 10 startups. (Why not see the applications?).

  • April 24th is my report about the investment in the game in a session devoted to the game. Internet- Ukraine.

  • April 24. Startup Crash Test 4. Will be devoted exclusively to finance ( payment systems start-ups working in the field of Finance).

we run. survey of experts. niches on the Internet for a special technology.

likely to announce something interesting, something to work now.

I think reading workshop in Kharkiv and Dnipro, if the collecting at least 20 people ( one Saturday ).

hope to announce Blogcamp and Investor Day in the fall. You have to start early. There will be changes for the better planirueyutsya. but we'll see. In the courtyard of the crisis.

I will be in Sevastopol for one day.

How do I survive - I do not know.

понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.

The new version of Evernote

Now, about these and other news of the order.

* A new round of investment: 20 million.
* Evernote 4 for Windows.
* Parallel search in Evernote for Chrome.
* Site Memory Button.
* A new version of Evernote for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
* Evernote and Livescribe Smart Pen.
* Evernote: a creative approach.

A new round of investment ***: $ 20 million ***.

In Evernote everything is moving very quickly. Only in the last two months we have recorded daily for more than 10 000 new users were issued a significant update, added more than a dozen new partners, and revenue from premium subscriptions is now enough to cover our daily expenses. And suddenly it became clear that now we can move even faster!.

Evernote has attracted $ 20 million in a round, initiated by well-known venture capital fund Sequoia Capital. This means that we now have the resources to significantly expand and develop our service, which otherwise would take years. We will add more features, fix more bugs, provide support for more devices will appear in new countries and make Evernote indispensable for new categories of users ( including business and education).

Comment our CEO Phil Libin, read my blog: http://blog. evernote. com/ru/2010/10/19/evernote-raises-20-million-led-by-sequoia-capital /.

4 *** Evernote for Windows ***.

version 3. 5 and technologies that lay at its base, brought us a lot of headaches and inconvenience to users, so we finally took it, and simply rewrite our application for Windows from scratch. It turned out great! .

Evernote 4 was just a wonderful look and carefully honed interface. We worked for each element, trying to make it faster, easier and more attractive. The new look does not prevent you from working, you can focus on his notes and not on the buttons and scroll bars.

The program is now loaded to 5 times faster and takes less than 2 times the memory, and in addition we have dramatically increased their functionality: Improved copying, editing and printing using special features of Windows 7, new options for interaction, and more.

In general, read our blog and install Evernote 4:.
http://blog. evernote. com/ru/2010/10/27/evernote-4-for-windows-is-here /.

Parallel search *** Evernote for Chrome ***.

One of the cool features of Chrome browser is in its Magic Bar - the address bar that also serves as a field for entering search queries. We thought, why this line does not become more intelligent, and begin to look more and your account Evernote.

After inclusion of the new features of the parallel search, a search on Google will automatically be made and the search for your notes to Evernote. Number of results found will be shown in the search results page on the main links, as well as an indicator of the expansion on the icon in Chrome. Read more in our blog: http://blog. evernote. com/ru/2010/10/01/evernote-chrome-extension-gets-simultaneous-search /.

Button *** Site Memory ***.

If you have a blog, news site, online shop or a corporate website, then we have news for you. Recently we announced the feature, designed specifically for site owners. It's called Evernote Site Memory, and opens for the site is incredibly powerful functionality to add to favorites without any effort on your part. Site Memory allows you to:.
- Full control over copying: fragment selection page for setting up and receive notes;.
- The appearance of the user saves the entire history of the pages from your site;.
- A new channel to promote your site: We love to talk about interesting partners;.
- Increase the loyalty of users receiving a handy tool for working with your site.