вторник, 29 мая 2012 г.

April turns hot

  • April 1 will be. Figures Online Forum. I'll be doing a report on the mistakes of entrepreneurs at the presentation to investors. There is, I will be meeting with an investor who can invest 10 Ukrainian Internet startups. After the meeting, I will publish details.

  • April 7 -. training. at Microsoft.

  • April 14 presentation in the CPI of the competition ' breakthrough innovation ' I got to the organizing committee, like monolingual children, despite the fact that under the roof of KSCA. Details of the recently publish. Promises to be interesting.

  • 22th is my report about the. legal aspects of the Internet startups Ukraine.

  • April 23 investment session on the Internet Ukraine. Three panel presentation of 10 startups. (Why not see the applications?).

  • April 24th is my report about the investment in the game in a session devoted to the game. Internet- Ukraine.

  • April 24. Startup Crash Test 4. Will be devoted exclusively to finance ( payment systems start-ups working in the field of Finance).

we run. survey of experts. niches on the Internet for a special technology.

likely to announce something interesting, something to work now.

I think reading workshop in Kharkiv and Dnipro, if the collecting at least 20 people ( one Saturday ).

hope to announce Blogcamp and Investor Day in the fall. You have to start early. There will be changes for the better planirueyutsya. but we'll see. In the courtyard of the crisis.

I will be in Sevastopol for one day.

How do I survive - I do not know.

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